This photo was taken at the turn-out just before the locked gate, about two miles from where the pavement ends. After competing in the Grand Valley Cyclocross race and then doing some riding out at Lunch Loops on Saturday I decided to do something... well, unconventional for this time of the year. I loaded up the hard-tail along with my "pacers" Neko and Sparky and headed to Lands End Road. During warmer months Lands End is a popular way to access the Grand Mesa from Grand Junction. It is also an excellent ascent to test and train your climbing legs. From where I parked today, the top of the Grand Mesa is approximately 14.5 miles and numerous switchbacks up the road. I like to think of it as Colorado's own unpaved (and longer) version of the famous L'Alpe d'Huez. I reasoned that having my dogs with me would help to keep the pace from getting out of hand and that it would give me a good reason to head back when it looked like they were about done for the day....